
Commissions Open

Ko-fi Memberships
For Discounted Prices consider becoming a Ko-fi Member

Important Info!/TOS

- If you're a Ko-Fi Member you can Commission me Via Ko-fi for Discounted Prices- If Not A Ko-Fi Member Please Fill out the Google Form Below if Interested in a Commission (If the form is closed it's most likely Comms aren't open to the Public but you can always DM/Email me to make sure)COMMISSION FORMPlease Read the Info Below Before Ordering Commission Regardless of Membership or Not!!!- Payment through PayPal and you must pay full upfront before I begin work on the commission- No Deadline or Timeframe for when the piece will be finished (My email will be open for any inquires to the progress during creation)- No Revisions unless I didn't do something specified on the form (which won't cost extra)- Additional Characters: +50% Price for First Additional and then rest are Full Price!
(Soft Limits: Bean-3, Chibi-2, Style A-1)
- Price may rise depending on complexity of commission (exp. complex clothing, excessive amounts of jewelry, etc.)- I hold artistic freedom to simplify and/or slightly change things to better fit the image. Not all commissions in the same category will look exactly the same and I am free to experiment as long as I follow your commission notesI Will Not Draw:
Explicit NSFW (suggestive is fine)
Gore (light blood/injury is okay)
Complicated Mecha/Armor
Backgrounds (simple are okay)
Real People (unless they are you/ppl close to you)
I may also refuse any commission for any reason- If I cancel a commission that's been paid for then I will issue a refund (Not including processing fees)

Examples & Prices (USD)

If you want something commissioned that is not listed here Email/DM me so we can talk about it

Bean: $16
Chara. & Posing Heavily Simplified
Bust/Icon, Half Body, Full Body

Chibi: $20
Bust/Icon, Half Body, Full Body

Style A:
Bust/Icon: $25
Half Body: $30
Full Body: $40

Emotes: 1 = $15, 5 = $60


If you have any questions email me at [email protected]

Past CommissionsSome Commissions I've Done